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Vocal Ensemble


Medieval music, music of today

From Middle Ages to nowadays

From Gregorian chant to Notre-Dame of Paris School

From Saint-Martial de Limoges School and courtly lyric to contemporary music



Created in Limousin in 2005, Ensemble Beatus is dedicated to the study and dissemination of musical works from the Middle Ages, mainly in the context of the live performance, with a predilection for the repertoire of monastic chant (Gregorian chant) the first polyphonies of Saint Martial de Limoges and the courtly lyrics of the Limousin troubadours (12th and 13th centuries)
The artistic objectives of Ensemble Beatus are multiple:
- Search and restitution of repertoires of medieval music from handwritten sources (Gregorian chant, early polyphonies, St Martial de Limoges, Lyrique Courtoise ...) in collaboration with internationally renowned researchers and musicologists such as Jean-François Goudesenne, Guillaume Gross, Denis Hüe.
- Beatus also has as ambition the diffusion of musical works of the Middle Ages in a contemporary perspective. Approach to these repertoires in their relationship with interdisciplinary artistic creation (theatrical, dance, literary, plastic).
- The ensemble offers concert programs where contemporary music and medieval music meet in the same state of mind with composers such as Arvo Pärt, Eric Whitacre, Morten Lauridsen, Pascal Zavaro, Madeleine Isaksson.

- The meeting between Oriental and Occidental Musics to seek the roots of a common language.



Lux lucis: songs to light

A journey through three millenial musical traditions: the Gregorian chant, the Persian chant, the Byzantine chant


Feat. Cie Brumachon - Lamarche

The meeting between the great choregrapher Claude Brumachon and the Beatus Ensemble around the theme of time.
How is time born?
How is rhythmic music born?
How does it involve movement?
How this movment come from the elements?
Four dancers and four singers face to face, and together.


Please send us an e-mail for more informations


Main schedule 2024

24.01 Ciné-concertL'autre croisière

Ciné-concert L’autre croisière d’André Sauvage

Interprété par l’Ensemble BEATUS

Jean-Paul Rigaud | Taghi Akhbari | Jean-Lou Descamps | Pierre Blanchut
dans le cadre du festival viva cinéma !

Mercredi 24 janvier, Lux - Scène Nationale de Valence (26).

25.05 ConcertDe Lamentazione : l'exploration des lamentations du Moyen Age à la fin de la Renaissance

Interprété par l’Ensemble BEATUS

Jean-Paul Rigaud | Esther Labourdette | Marion Delcourt | Stephan Olry | Erwan Picquet | Marc Busnel
Ecouter un extrait ici :

Samedi 25 mai, Chateau de Bourdeilles (24), 15h30.

5 & 6.07 StageStage de technique vocale

Jean-Paul Rigaud : ateliers de technique vocale, de chant médiéval, pièce monodiques et polyphoniques.
Hélène Plat : ateliers de mise en forme corporelle, chant polyphonique et contredanse.

Vendredi 5 et Samedi 6 juillet, Saujon (17).
Renseignements :

09.08 ConcertDe Byzance à Milan : l'aura du chant ambrosien

Interprété par l’Ensemble BEATUS

Jean-Paul Rigaud | Stephan Olry | Georges C. Abdallah | Renaud Brés
Vendredi 09 août, église de Bénévent l'Abbaye (23), 21h, dans le cadre du Festival Les Musicales de l'Abbaye.




Couverture de l'Ensemble Beatus, Jean Paul Rigaud, Trobar, chansons d'amour de la vierge à la dame, musique médiévale polyphonique, label alpha, limousin, france
Couverture de l'Ensemble Beatus Jean Paul Rigaud, l'orient des troubadours, Jasser Haj Youssef, musique médiévale, viole d'amour , ad vitam records, limousin, france

Contact us

Ensemble Beatus
38 boulevard du Docteur Goudounèche
19200 Ussel – France
T. +33 6 19 32 57 02
E-mail :

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© 2023 par Nicolas Sarre.

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Partenaires du Festival
Spedidam, IF (Irrésistible Fraternité), Département de la Haute-Vienne, paroisse Saint-Martial, Alex J. Overton photo.

L’ensemble Beatus reçoit le soutien de la Drac Nouvelle-Aquitaine et de la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

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